Hello again, this time we will actually get into the book of Philippians beginning with chapter 1: 1-30. If you wish to read ahead please do and come ready to go over this first chapter. Bring your Bibles and be ready to highlight, underline, and mark your way through the book. God's Word is a great study tool to refer back to. Look forward to learning with you as we go.
Hello, over the summer we wil be diving into the book written by Paul, inspired by God, to the church in Philippi. The running title each week is "to live is Christ and to Die is Gain". Based on the viewing so far this will be a challenging but rewarding study for each of us. I would ask you to treat each session as an actual interactive Bible study. Bring your Bibles and be ready to follow along as Matt teaches us. We will still have time for small group as well. The section this week will be Acts 16:6-40 for those wanting to read ahead. I look forward to learning alongside each of you this summer as we go through the study. See you then.
As a life group, we are designating the fourth Sunday of each month to meet and eat for lunch after church. You don't have to make a reservation, but we will coordinate a casual restaurant (with plenty of high chairs) where you order when you get there, sit, eat, and can feel free to move around and visit the different people who come.
NOTE: If you have any suggestions of where we can meet in the future (i.e. enough high chairs and space for 25 or so people), we'd be happy to hear them. Just leave a comment on this post.
So this past Sunday we were introduced to the principles of story: Lead Character, Objective, Conflict, Resolution. It was also suggested that our lives could be mapped to these principles of story and that, ultimately, our lives tell a story.
This week, we'll be challenged by what we actually map to these principles to our lives and how we do that actually effects the quality of our life stories.
Today, we listened to Donald Miller talk about the principles of story. This week, to help lead into next week's meeting, map the events and other goings-on into the principles of story. Below are the principles:
Lead character
If you have any insight or funny thought you'd like to share along these lines, feel free to post a comment.
Thanks to everyone that helped out today. Here are some pictures for us to remember the work that we did. I wish we would've taken "before" pics and maybe even some action shots, but we did a lot of work in the 2-3 hours we worked.
Above: A picture of the front of the house. Great job, ladies!
Next: Mrs. Edna wanted to be able to see her window box.
Above: 6-8 large paper yard bags and 4 to 5 large plastic bags under the tarp.
What is your favorite movie or book? What about that particular story keeps you going back? Do you sometimes wonder why you life couldn't be more like movies and books that you like?Are there principles to story that we could possibly map to our lives?
Come this Sunday for the first in a two-week study entitled "Let Story Guide You". In this light but thought-provoking study, Donald Miller (author of Blue Like Jazz) with his witty humor presents the components present in every story and challenges us to apply those to our lives.
We are a Life Group at North Fort Worth Baptist Church that meets at 9:30 a.m. on Sunday mornings in Room 303. Our group consists mainly of families with preschool and early elementary school-aged children. Whether you're there, you've been there before, or aren't quite there yet, we'd love for you to join us. Our goal is to "share life" through Bible study and fellowship, and to "share Christ" through missions and evangelism.